About Us

Our Story

Social media marketing has been changing the world of growth and PR in the last couple of decades. The most measurable and trackable of all marketing channels, social media has been constantly growing year by year. 

We started as social media enthusiasts back in the 2000s, and came together in 2011 to start the Grow Up and help businesses grow. We’re right there next to our partners from the very first step of establishing online presence to the day-by-day development of your online community. Planning, implementing, tracking, and constantly optimizing sales funnels helps make all your online marketing activities as smooth and as effective as they can ever get.

Successful Campaigns
Active Sales Funnels
Growing Communities
Pages and Profiles

Our Team

Henry Barnes


Laura James


Cristina Petarson

Content Marketer

Joe Martini

Content Marketer

Lily Thompson


Scott Wilson

Account manager

What Our Clients Say

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